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Freedom News Net Work World News, Environmental News, Latest World News. President addressing International Congress Commemorating Martyrs Day. Weapons necessary but what enemies fear more than missiles is faith, resolveFamilies of martyrs, war veterans a source of pride for usHelping Gods religion our duty, guarantee for victoryNo weapon more powerful than peoples faith, unity. Tabtight professional, free when you need it, VPN service. Zachary Cohen is a CNN Politics breaking news reporter, covering topics ranging from defense to national security. There is no weapon more powerful than peoples faith and unity, said President Rouhani addressing International Congress Commemorating Martyrs Day, adding Weapons are definitely necessary but what enemies fear more than missiles is our peoples faith and resolve. Wed 0. 8 March 2. Speaking at the congress, which was held in Mashhad on Wednesday, Dr Rouhani continued Weapons are definitely necessary but what enemies fear more than missiles is our peoples faith and resolve. There is no weapon more powerful than peoples faith and unity, he continued, adding The 1. Addressing Dear youths and honourable Iranians, he said Todays war is not the war of weapons, it is the war of resolve. Wars never end. Speaking about peace means putting a temporary end to military combat. Conflicts in other stages are still standing and the economic war in the world will never end, he continued. Dr Rouhani also said Recently, the first words of the man who has assumed US presidency is about a new economic war with their allies. Stating that cultural war will never end, he said There is no weapon more powerful than peoples faith and unity. In the economic fields, if one says we are not able to resolve economic issues and provide for peoples lives and other needs, and if we doubt our victory in the economic field, we will definitely be defeated, he continued. The President also said In todays world where all oil producing countries are forced to resort to their past reserves and we witnessed their currency are devalued, it was only the Islamic Republic of Iran that increased economic growth, decreased inflation and preserved the values of its currency. Some ask the question of whether all sanctions have been lifted, he said, Of course they have not. We have only been able to lift sanctions and obstacles in the nuclear sector, provided that the other side lives up to its commitments with fairness and honesty. We still have obstacles on our ways and here comes the question that why people are not being told the realities, he continued. Dr Rouhani also said Any country confronted the armed to the teeth Zionist Regime failed, but faithful, Muslim and sincere youths could stand against the oppressor, usurper, and child killing regime for 3. The Americans and Europeans were relying on the Zionist Regime and they thought that the regimes power is undefeatable and that they ca use it to occupy any country but in the July War, the seeming grandeur was shattered and with Hezbollahs victory, the enemys determination was undermined and Hezbollah could win the war of determination, he continued. The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran also said Our youths achieved victory in the eight year Sacred Defence by resolve, just like Lebanons Hezbollah achieved victory over the Zionist Regime in the war of resolve. FAQ Installation Instructions. To do a new installation of the plugin, please follow these steps. Download the brokenlinkchecker. President Donald Trump on Saturday condemned violence that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, where thousands of neoNazis, Ku Klux Klan members, and other. The day when terrorists advanced to the walls of Baghdad and Mosul fell, it was the war of resolve. The enemies had incited the terrorists that they could win and the people of Iraq were intimidated that they were not able to stand against savage terrorists and their brutalities, but today with Gods attention, the people of Iraq won the war of resolve do not doubt that they will clear the entire Iraq from the terrorists, Dr Rouhani also said. He continued If weapons brought superiority, the people of Yemen would have been defeated years ago by the aggressors. The martyrs of the path of the right, from the beginning of Islam until the Sacred Defence and combatting terrorists, are all together and remembered in the history, Rouhani continued, adding We will be invincible until people consider martyrdom an honour and immortality. Motorhead The Essential more. Whenever we take steps in the path of Him, we will definitely be victorious, the president said, Helping the religion of God is our duty and the guarantee for our victory. The government is proud of helping decrease the problems of the families of martyrs of course, martyrs self sacrifice can never be compensated, said the President. He continued The families of martyrs, war veterans and wounded veterans are a source of pride for us. Every day is Martyrs Day and respecting the families of martyrs. The Battle For Jerusalem. According to IRNA The Press Conference for Hunger Strike with Dignity. Walid Abu Ali urges the muslim world to create a media tool which can counter the Israel pressure. Palestinians are suffering, but if Ummah is United, pretty much problem solved. Along with comments as to why Al Qaeda or Daesh or the Taliban dont act toward Israel who is killing Muslims, futher asking PK Media to help. As we all know they want Jerusalem for their captial. More on this story and struggle for the Holy City coming in the near future, we are just posting what is taking place as we get our stories together still building our site. You can read the whole story on IRNA. Terrorist Groups Using Paypal To Collect and Transfer Funds Under The Radar. National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces. MARIAM JALABI Director, New York Officeiam Jalabi was born in Damascus, Syria and raised in the Golan Heights. Noregistration upload of files up to 250MB. Not available in some countries. Watch breaking news videos, viral videos and original video clips on CNN. Last weeks violent, unhinged white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, which culminated in a terror attack which killed Heather Heyer and wounded. The Hill is a top US political website, read by the White House and more lawmakers than any other site vital for policy, politics and election campaigns. She currently serves as Director for the National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces Representative Office to the United Nations. She holds degrees in Political Science from Mc. Gill University in Montreal and Fashion Design from FIT in New York. One of the founding members of Syrian Non violence Movement SNVM, Ms. Jalabi has organized events and rallies in support of the Syrian revolution in NYC and Montreal. She also participated in the formation of the Syrian National Council SNC. Ms. Jalabi owns a brand building and retail consulting business based in New York City. OUBAB KHALILChief of Staff. Khalil is the Chief of Staff for the National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces Representative Office in Washington, DC. A Syrian attorney and businessman, Mr. Khalil has a degree in Law and Business Administration from the Beirut Arabic University. He was active in the Day After Project, a cooperative movement by members of the Syrian opposition to outline a plan to rebuild the country and end the Syrian conflict once Bashar al Assad is ousted from power. Mr. Khalil was elected and served on the Boards of the Syrian Expatriates Organization and the Syrian Support Group. He recently participated in the We Are All Syrians Conference in Cairo. BASSEL KORKOR, Esq. Legal Director. Bassel. Korkor is a Syrian American attorney and serves as US Counsel to the Syrian Coalitions Washington and United Nations offices. He advises the Coalition on various legal and policy issues, including sanctions compliance, economic development, and diplomatic matters. Mr. Korkor has been advising Syrian opposition groups, businesses, and humanitarian aid organizations throughout the course of the revolution. He is a partner at ZKT Law in Washington, DC and previously practiced in the National Security and Political Law group at Arnold Porter and Corporate Litigation at Jones Day. Sphinx Open Source Search Server. Data source configuration options. Data source type. Mandatory, no default value. Known types are mysql, pgsql, mssql. All other per source options depend on source type selected by this option. Names of the options used for SQL sources ie. My. SQL, Postgre. SQL, MS SQL start with sql. All source types are conditional they might or might. Windows. odbc type is available both on Windows natively and on. Linux through Unix. ODBC library. SQL server host to connect to. Mandatory, no default value. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. In the simplest case when Sphinx resides on the same host with your My. Windows Xp Croatian Language Pack. SQL. or Postgre. SQL installation, you would simply specify localhost. Note that. My. SQL client library chooses whether to connect over TCPIP or over UNIX. Specifically localhost will force it. UNIX socket this is the default and generally recommended mode. TCPIP usage. Refer to. SQL server IP port to connect to. Optional, default is 3. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. Note that it depends on sqlhost setting whether this value will actually be used. SQL user to use when connecting to sqlhost. Mandatory, no default value. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. SQL user password to use when connecting to sqlhost. Mandatory, no default value. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. SQL database in My. SQL terms to use after the connection and perform further queries within. Mandatory, no default value. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. UNIX socket name to connect to for local SQL servers. Optional, default value is empty use client library default settings. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. On Linux, it would typically be varlibmysqlmysql. On Free. BSD, it would typically be tmpmysql. Note that it depends on sqlhost setting whether this value will actually be used. My. SQL client connection flags. Optional, default value is 0 do not set any flags. Applies to mysql source type only. This option must contain an integer value with the sum of the flags. The value will be passed to mysqlrealconnect verbatim. The flags are enumerated in mysqlcom. Flags that are especially interesting in regard to indexing, with their respective values, are as follows. CLIENTCOMPRESS 3. CLIENTSSL 2. 04. SSL after handshake. CLIENTSECURECONNECTION 3. For instance, you can specify 2. SSL. or 3. 27. 68 to use new authentication only. Initially, this option was introduced. Compression on 1 Gbps. However, enabling compression on 1. Mbps links. may improve indexing time significantly upto 2. Your mileage may vary. SSL certificate settings to use for connecting to My. SQL server. Optional, default values are empty strings do not use SSL. Applies to mysql source type only. These directives let you set up secure SSL connection between. My. SQL. The details on creating. My. SQL server can be found in. My. SQL documentation. ODBC DSN to connect to. Toy Game Broker'>Toy Game Broker. Mandatory, no default value. Applies to odbc source type only. ODBC DSN Data Source Name specifies the credentials host, user, password, etc. ODBC data source. The format depends on specific ODBC. DriverOracle ODBC Driver Dbqmy. DBName Uidmy. Username Pwdmy. Password. Pre fetch query, or pre query. Multi value, optional, default is empty list of queries. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. Multi value means that you can specify several pre queries. They are executed before the main fetch query. Pre query results are ignored. Pre queries are useful in a lot of ways. They are used to setup encoding. SQL server options and variables, and so on. Perhaps the most frequent pre query usage is to specify the encoding. Note that Sphinx accepts. UTF 8 texts. Two My. SQL specific examples of setting the encoding are. SET CHARACTERSETRESULTSutf. SET NAMES utf. 8. Also specific to My. SQL sources, it is useful to disable query cache. That could be achieved with. SET SESSION querycachetypeOFF. SET NAMES utf. 8. SET SESSION querycachetypeOFF. Main document fetch query. Mandatory, no default value. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. There can be only one main query. This is the query which is used to retrieve documents from SQL server. You can specify up to 3. SPHMAXFIELDS from sphinx. All of the columns that are neither document ID the first one nor attributes will be full text indexed. Document ID MUST be the very first field. MUST BE UNIQUE UNSIGNED POSITIVE NON ZERO, NON NEGATIVE INTEGER NUMBER. It can be either 3. Sphinx. by default it builds with 3. IDs support but enable id. IDs support. SELECT id, groupid, UNIXTIMESTAMPdateadded AS dateadded,. FROM documents. 1. Joinedpayload field fetch query. Multi value, optional, default is empty list of queries. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. Its syntax is as follows. FIELD NAME from query payload query. QUERY RANGE QUERY. FIELD NAME is a joinedpayload field name QUERY is an SQL query that must fetch values to index. RANGE QUERY is an optional SQL query that fetches a range. Added in version 2. Joined fields let you avoid JOIN andor GROUPCONCAT statements in the main. This can be useful when SQL side JOIN is slow. Sphinx side, or simply to emulate My. SQL specific. GROUPCONCAT functionality in case your database server does not support it. The query must return exactly 2 columns document ID, and text to append. Document IDs can be duplicate, but they must be. All the text rows fetched for a given ID will be. Rows will be concatenated. For instance, if joined field query. Joined fields are only indexed differently. There are no other differences. Starting with 2. 0. It works similar to the ranged. Section 3. 8, Ranged queries. The range will be queried for and fetched upfront once. Payloads let you create a special field in which, instead of. Payloads are. custom integer values attached to every keyword. They can then be used. The payload query must return exactly 3 columns document ID keyword. Document IDs can be duplicate, but they must be. Payloads must be unsigned integers within 2. For reference, payloads are currently internally. Currently, the only method to account for payloads is to use. SPHRANKPROXIMITYBM2. On indexes with payload fields. SELECT docid, CONCATtag,tagid FROM tags ORDER BY docid ASC. SELECT id, tag FROM tags WHERE id start AND idlt end ORDER BY id ASC. SELECT MINid, MAXid FROM tags. Range query setup. Optional, default is empty. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. Setting this option enables ranged document fetch queries see Section 3. Ranged queries. Ranged queries are useful to avoid notorious My. ISAM table locks when indexing. They also help with other less notorious issues, such as reduced. Inno. DB. to serialize big read transactions. The query specified in this option must fetch min and max document IDs that will be. It must return exactly two integer fields, min ID first. ID second the field names are ignored. When ranged queries are enabled, sqlquery. Note that the intervals specified by start. IDs that are. exactly equal to start or end from your query. The example in Section 3. Ranged queries illustrates that note how it. SELECT MINid,MAXid FROM documents. Range query step. Optional, default is 1. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. Only used when ranged queries are enabled.